La Gata Encantada

La Gata Encantada is the name of a pub in a novel by John Varley. It means 'the enchanted cat'. I like cats, so I stole the sign (it just needed some revarnishing and - Look! Good as new!). The door is open, to an amber glow and the sound of music and good fellowship. Come on in.


Pure as a virgin and cunning as a rabbit!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

It's Cold, and I Don't Feel Well

Merry Christmas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Healing hugs and thoughts of mulled wine, eggnog, warm blankets and lots of sleep.

7:58 am  
Blogger theamazingcatherine said...

It's a lot warmer in Hastings, anyway, and my feet don't feel like ice blocks anymore, so I do feel a lot better, thanks.

7:42 pm  

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