La Gata Encantada

La Gata Encantada is the name of a pub in a novel by John Varley. It means 'the enchanted cat'. I like cats, so I stole the sign (it just needed some revarnishing and - Look! Good as new!). The door is open, to an amber glow and the sound of music and good fellowship. Come on in.


Pure as a virgin and cunning as a rabbit!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Tribal Rites

What with being in Hastings, I spent this afternoon with John the Quasi-Ex-Step-Dad and his infamous crew, the Hash House Harriers. It was fun. John and I got lost halfway along or thereabouts, when we stopped to say Hello to the Order of the Sacred Sword (another infamous crew). Then we went shopping.

You have to understand, mothers' birthdays take precedence over rain, hail, and earthquakes, and I'd seen something in an antique shop's sale that looked like something she would like.

Anyway, we had thoroughly lost the others by this point, so we headed to the endpoint of the run and picked up the trail going backwards (there are chalk arrows to follow, y'see, and weirdly scrawled signs to lead us on the chase). We rejoined the others, and then retraced our steps to the barbecue.

This was my Naming Run, and amidst much ribaldry linked with Mum's birthday present, I was awarded the HHH Name 'Furball'. I got off very lightly, I can assure you.

Also, I actually drank alcohol - pre-mixed vodka and coke, and weird liqueurs in a two-part shot-glass. Deary, deary me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I picked up a flier for them, I think, at a run I did last year. I thought running a hash looked like a lot of fun, but I never got round to actually giving one a go..

(my god, though, is this website straight out of 1995 or what?)

6:49 pm  
Blogger theamazingcatherine said...

Well, I don't have any aesthetic sense for websites, so I can't really comment there.

That's about their look and feel, though.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was an HHH in Antarctica.

6:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last post you were tripping, now you're getting disoriented with people from a hash house (who see you as a furball) and finally you top it off with ethanol and coke.

Didn't anyone tell you've already missed the 60s?

1:48 pm  

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