La Gata Encantada

La Gata Encantada is the name of a pub in a novel by John Varley. It means 'the enchanted cat'. I like cats, so I stole the sign (it just needed some revarnishing and - Look! Good as new!). The door is open, to an amber glow and the sound of music and good fellowship. Come on in.


Pure as a virgin and cunning as a rabbit!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Because The World Had To See

This is actually more of an Aftermath piccy: originally those red weals were puffy lumps like very small boils, which oozed a clear fluid when pricked with a sterilised pin. They've drained and scabbed over nicely now, and the waxy texture of the scabs is slowly changing to rough and pickable.

Guys like pictures of legs, right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm more of a boobs man myself, although not so much when they're covered in suppurating wounds.

sxcdcv - an unfortunate occurrence in which a person mistakenly believes they are being offered sex when they are not.

12:20 am  
Blogger Stephanie said...

No, the world did not have to see you horrible person. That's heaps worse than John Lowe's Fabulous Rotting Leg. I'll get you for this one.


12:24 pm  
Blogger theamazingcatherine said...

Excuse me while I laugh like a hyena.

They don't have suppurating wounds on them any more.

4:00 pm  
Blogger theamazingcatherine said...

Just as an update: half the scabs on my shins have fallen off leaving clean pink skin. You can breathe easy, now, or something.

There's another patch of pink on my right hand, which looks exceedingly odd surrounded by dark tan.

9:07 pm  

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