La Gata Encantada

La Gata Encantada is the name of a pub in a novel by John Varley. It means 'the enchanted cat'. I like cats, so I stole the sign (it just needed some revarnishing and - Look! Good as new!). The door is open, to an amber glow and the sound of music and good fellowship. Come on in.


Pure as a virgin and cunning as a rabbit!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

We Have Hail!

After a spate of really nice early spring weather, Palmerston's natural, coldly brooding environment has reasserted itself. For the last week we have had rain showers coming and going, and today they came with a vengeance, in an orgy of ice falling from the sky.

I am holed up in the computer lab because it is mildly more pleasant than sitting at the bus stop waiting.

I envisage floods this week.


Blogger theamazingcatherine said...

I've met a lot of her friends on-line and have to work out their real-life attributes (appearance, name, place of residence) as and when they become available.

11:34 am  

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