La Gata Encantada

La Gata Encantada is the name of a pub in a novel by John Varley. It means 'the enchanted cat'. I like cats, so I stole the sign (it just needed some revarnishing and - Look! Good as new!). The door is open, to an amber glow and the sound of music and good fellowship. Come on in.


Pure as a virgin and cunning as a rabbit!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

What to Write, What to Say

I am faced with a problem in my poetry class. I have to write a poem, an Ode to be specific. I am having difficulty with this.

It is not that I can't come up with ideas for such, including Pirates, Rivers, Thunder, the Sky, and the Mighty Contradiction, but each time I start to write all I can hear is other poets speaking their poems in my head. It's good poetry, or at least memorable poetry, but difficult to put in my own work. Ah, the words of the immortal bard:

Let no other's work evade your eyes!
Don't forget why the Good Lord made your eyes
So don't shade your eyes
But Plagiarise, Plagiarise, Plagiarise -
But remember always to be calling it 'Research'

Poets call it 'Allusions', but I don't want to. Um. Meanwhile, my ivory skull is ricocheting with:

I must go down to the Sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky
O Wild West Wind, O breath of Autumn's being
Jenny kissed me when we met
Abou ben Adhem, may his tribe increase
When night haunts you
(okay, that's one of mine)
Tristram in Careol sleeps with a broken sword

All in all, I could do with a bit of peace and quiet, sigh.

Which leads, in a corkscrew way, to the other thing I wanted to write about here. Fairy tales and myths often have a situation where a person is sworn to keep a secret yet has to let it out, so shouts it down a hole, or tells it to an iron oven, or whispers to the reeds "Midas has ass's ears!" Sitting here at a peaceful, quiet computer monitor, it feels that I am alone and private. Yet I am shouting to the Void!

I'll try not to let out anything too personal.

May the Void answer back as it wills.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now it will let me post. Did you change something, or is it just because it likes my home computer better than my work one?

Anyway, welcome to blogspace, and I'm looking forward to reading your musings. Oh my yes, I am.


The High Priestess of the Dread Cult of Huggee

9:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course somewhere, sometime, somehow, you may just say the right (or is it wrong) WORD into the Void and that universe will be ALL YOUR FAULT.

8:45 am  
Blogger Stephanie said...

So what's the Ode you wrote?


7:26 pm  

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