La Gata Encantada

La Gata Encantada is the name of a pub in a novel by John Varley. It means 'the enchanted cat'. I like cats, so I stole the sign (it just needed some revarnishing and - Look! Good as new!). The door is open, to an amber glow and the sound of music and good fellowship. Come on in.


Pure as a virgin and cunning as a rabbit!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Good Evening

I find, having gone through all that is required to create a blog, that in my first post I am struck with the writer's equivalent of stage-fright.

What do I say? What do I write? Maybe you won't like me - dither, dither ... I'd rather be in Scotland fishing!

To ease the stress on my poor jangled nerves, and because where I live the winter has begun to ease, I shall quote something I wrote almost precisely a year ago:

Signs of Spring

The leaves are coming out
I'm very happy to meet you!

I extend the sentiment to you, O Esteemed Reader, and trust that we shall meet again soon.

Good night.


Blogger Stephanie said...

You have a very shiny blog site. Yes, I can tell that winter is running scared here, too. A couple of nice days, but, more significantly, when I walk out of my last lecture at 6pm the sky isn't pitch black any more. I hadn't realised how much that was getting me down until it started getting better.


7:19 pm  
Blogger Sugar said...

Welcome to blogging. I have had the same problem. Couldn't decide how I should write, how much to write, and if I would sound immature or stupid. So, what I do is I write and sit back a few days or so and if I feel like it isn't a very good post, it simply gets deleted. If I appear immature, so what - I am pretty sure the ones written in other languages are the same. LOL

8:24 pm  
Blogger theamazingcatherine said...

I'm reposting these here for completeness:

Indeed we shall meet again for I have ensured that I have retained the details of this blog. It's nicely laid out as well.

The first entry is always the hardest. IE - the ohgodohgodohgodwhatthebloodyhelldoIwriteinthis?

On the plus side... it gives good memories when you go back som years later and peruse it all.

*warm fuzzies*



Hmmmm... Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! [from Starfire]

Thank you, both of you.

12:27 pm  
Blogger theamazingcatherine said...

And Sugar - thank you for posting too.

4:34 pm  

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